Adding custom resource to Kubernetes

Besides the default resources such as Pod, ReplicaSet, Deployment, StatefulSet, ..., kubernetes allows us to create additional custom resources to meet our needs in the project, each custom resource will serve a specific purpose. some specific purpose in our project. For example, to create a postgres database in kubernetes, we will first define a StatefulSet, then create a Service for this StatefulSet so that clients can connect to it. We can reduce the process of having to create many related things like that by defining a custom resource named Postgres. Every time we need a postgres database, we just need to create a Postgres custom resource, for example as follows:

kind: Postgres
  name: test-db
storage: 50GB

Custom Controller

Before talking about custom resources, we will talk about how to create custom controllers first. In the article Kubernetes internals architecture , we learn about the internal structure of kubernetes, it includes 4 main components: etcd, API server, Controller Manager, Scheduler. The Controller Manager is responsible for monitoring the API server and creating resources related to it. For example, the Deployment Controller will be responsible for monitoring the Deployment resource on the API server and creating related resources. In addition to the available Controller Managers inside kubernetes, we can create additional custom controllers to serve a different purpose.

In kubernetes, you will notice that when we create a ConfigMap and assign it to a Pod, when we update that ConfigMap with the new value, the Pod using our ConfigMap still retains the old value, if we want If the Pod uses the new ConfigMap value, we must delete that Pod and recreate it so it can update the new value. This job is a bit laborious, we can create a custom controller to do this job automatically, our customer controller will monitor the ConfigMap resource on the API server, and if it detects a change in the ConfigMap, it will automatically Delete that Pod and if the Pod is created with resources such as ReplicaSet, Deployment, it will be automatically recreated, at this point our new Pod will use the new value of ConfigMap.

To create a custom controller, first we will write code that will monitor the API server with the resources we want, then we will build it into an image, then we will create a Deployment that uses the image we just created and deploy it to kubernetes. In essence, a customer controller is just a normal Deployment guy, the difference is that we will write our own code to interact with the API server.

Create a customer controller

Now we will create a customer controller named config-watcher-controller, it will monitor ConfigMap and if any Pod uses the related ConfigMap, when ConfigMap changes, this new ConfigMap value will also be updated for the Pod. automatically. It will do this by deleting the old Pod so that the Pod can be recreated. An illustration of config-watcher-controller is as follows:

Now we will proceed to write the code and build the image for the config-watcher container, creating a file with the following code:


# Controller script which watches configmaps and evaluates annotation
# on the ConfigMap for pods to restart

# Namespace to watch (or 'default' if not given)

# API URL setup. Requires an ambassador API proxy running side-by-side on localhost

# Main event loop
start_event_loop() {
  # Watch the K8s API on events on service objects
  echo "::: Starting to wait for events"

  # Event loop listening for changes in config maps
  curl -N -s $base/api/v1/${ns}/configmaps?watch=true | while read -r event
    # Sanitize new lines
    event=$(echo "$event" | tr '\r\n' ' ')

    # Event type & name
    local type=$(echo "$event" | jq -r .type)
    local config_map=$(echo "$event" | jq -r

    # Fetch annotations of ConfigMap and extract our trigger annotation if any
    # The extracted pod selector is expected to have
    # the format "label1=value1,label2=value2,.."
    local annotations=$(echo "$event" | jq -r '.object.metadata.annotations')
    if [ "$annotations" != "null" ]; then
      local pod_selector=$(echo $annotations | jq -r 'to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "") | .value | @uri')
    echo "::: $type -- $config_map -- $pod_selector"

    # Act only when configmap is modified and an annotation has been given
    if [ $type = "MODIFIED" ] && [ -n "$pod_selector" ]; then
      delete_pods_with_selector "$pod_selector"

# Delete all pods that match a selector
delete_pods_with_selector() {
  local selector=${1}

  echo "::::: Deleting pods with $selector"

  # Pick up all pod names which match the given selector
  local pods=$(curl -s $base/api/v1/${ns}/pods?labelSelector=$selector | \
               jq -r .items[]

  # Delete all pods that matched
  for pod in $pods; do
    # Delete but also check exit code
    exit_code=$(curl -s -X DELETE -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" $base/api/v1/${ns}/pods/$pod)
    if [ $exit_code -eq 200 ]; then
      echo "::::: Deleted pod $pod"
      echo "::::: Error deleting pod $pod: $exit_code"

# ==============================================
# Fire up

We don't need to understand the detailed code, the above code will have the task of monitoring ConfigMap on the API server with the command curl -N -s $base/api/v1/${ns}/configmaps?watch=true | while read -r event, if ConfigMap changes anything, it will run to the code below, and detect if If any ConfigMap changes and a Pod uses it, it will delete that Pod with the code:

if [ $type = "MODIFIED" ] && [ -n "$pod_selector" ]; then
  delete_pods_with_selector "$pod_selector"

We just need to understand the action of the above code. Next, we create the Dockerfile:

FROM alpine
WORKDIR /watcher
RUN apk add --update curl jq && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*

Next, build and push the image to your docker hub if you don't want to use image 080196/configmap-watcher :

$ docker build . -t 080196/configmap-watcher
$ docker push 080196/configmap-watcher

After finishing, we create a file named config-watcher-controller.yaml with the following configuration:

# Service account required for watching to resources
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: config-watcher-controller

# Bind to 'edit' role to allow for watching resources and restarting pods
kind: RoleBinding
  name: config-watcher-controller
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: config-watcher-controller
  name: edit
  kind: ClusterRole

# Controller with kubeapi-proxy sidecar for easy access to the API server
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: config-watcher-controller
  replicas: 1
      app: config-watcher-controller
        app: config-watcher-controller
      # A serviceaccount is needed to watch events
      # and to allow for restarting pods. For now its
      # associated with the 'edit' role
      serviceAccountName: config-watcher-controller
      - name: proxy
        image: 080196/kubeapi-proxy
      - name: config-watcher
        image: 080196/configmap-watcher
         # The operator watches the namespace in which the controller
         # itself is installed (by using the Downward API)
         - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
               fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - "sh"
        - "/watcher/"

In the file above, we will create a separate ServiceAccount to use for our config-watcher-controller instead of using the default ServiceAccount, then we will use RoleBinding to bind the edit role to this ServiceAccount to allow it the right to edit functions. resource in a namespace. In the Deployment config, we will declare the above ServiceAccount in the Pod template, so that the container application in the Pod can edit kubernetes resources. You can review lesson 13 to better understand ServiceAccount. To let this controller know which namespace it is monitoring, we use the Downward API mentioned in lesson 11.

We create the above controller:

$ kubectl apply -f config-watcher-controller.yaml
serviceaccount/config-watcher-controller created created
deployment.apps/config-watcher-controller created

Use custom controllers

Ok, so we have created a custom controller, next we will create a resource and test it, to use config-watcher-controller, when we declare ConfigMap, we will add the annotations field with the value "<key>=<value>" , with key value being the label of the Pod that we want to update the ConfigMap value for when our ConfigMap changes. Create a file named confimap-watch.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: webapp-config
  annotations: "app=webapp"
  message: "Hello configmap watch one"
$ kubectl apply -f confimap-watch.yaml
configmap/webapp-config created

Create a file named deploy-use-configmap-watcher.yaml:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: webapp
  replicas: 1
      app: webapp
        app: webapp
        - name: webapp
          image: alpine
          command: ["/bin/sleep", "999999"]
            - configMapRef:
                name: webapp-config

The Pod's label value is the value we declared in the ConfiMap above. We create a Deployment and access it to see the previous ConfigMap value, then we will update the ConfigMap value again and see if our Pod is automatically updated with the value or not:

$ kubectl apply -f deploy-use-configmap-watcher.yaml
deployment.apps/webapp created

$ kubectl get pod
NAME                                         READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
config-watcher-controller-547d6547c6-hqpl6   2/2     Running             0          5m59s
webapp-84f8f48c69-k8bb6                      0/1     ContainerCreating   0          6s

$ kubectl exec -it webapp-84f8f48c69-k8bb6 -- sh
/ # env
message=Hello configmap watch one
/ # exit

Update the confimap-watch.yaml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: webapp-config
  annotations: "app=webapp"
  message: "Hello configmap watch two"
$ kubectl apply -f confimap-watch.yaml
configmap/webapp-config configured

Now if we get pod, we will see that one is being deleted and another is being created:

$ kubectl get pod
NAME                                         READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
config-watcher-controller-547d6547c6-hqpl6   2/2     Running       0          10m
webapp-84f8f48c69-k8bb6                      1/1     Terminating   0          5m6s
webapp-84f8f48c69-r28lw                      1/1     Running       0          14s

When we access the new pod and check again, we will see that our env has been updated:

$ kubectl exec -it webapp-84f8f48c69-r28lw -- sh
/ # env
message=Hello configmap watch two

Ok, so our custom controller is running correctly 😄. At this point, we know how to write and create a customer controller to serve our specific purpose, but before we do anything, we should see if anyone has done it before. If so, we can use it. Just for use, because writing a controller that can run in a production environment requires many more tests, the code above is only for the dev environment.

Custom Resource

After we talked about custom controllers, now we will talk about custom resources. To create a custom resource, we will use CustomResourceDefinition , we will write CustomResourceDefinition and define our custom resource values ​​in it. Then we will create this CustomResourceDefinition, then we will write a controller to monitor our newly created custom resource and perform actions related to it. For example, we have a website-crd.yaml file with the CustomResourceDefinition config as follows:

kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  name: # The full name of your custom object
  scope: Namespaced # You want Website resources to be namespaced.
  group: # Define an API group and version of the Website resource.
    - name: v1
      served: true
      storage: true
          type: object
              type: object
                  type: string
  names: # You need to specify the various forms of the custom object’s name.
    kind: Website
    singular: website
    plural: websites

In the file above, the group and version fields will define the API group and version of this resource on the API server. The values ​​of those two fields above are extensions.example.comand v1, so when we declare the resource, the apiVersion we will specify is, In the names field , we will define kind and two verbs, singular and plural, of the custom resource. With the above value, we will execute the command kubectl get websiteto list all Website resources. We create CustomResourceDefinition above:

$ kubectl apply -f website-crd.yaml created

Now we have defined our custom resource on the API server. To create this resource, we create a file called website.yaml with the following configuration:

kind: Website
  name: kubia
$ kubectl apply -f website.yaml created

Ok, so we have a custom resource. To interact with it, we also use interaction commands like other normal resources:

$ kubectl get website
kubia   71s

$ kubectl delete website kubia "kubia" deleted

So our custom resource has run successfully, but it will not take any action. In order for this resource to be actually used, we need to create a controller for it. We will want our Website resource to act as follows, we will define the Website resource with the path to gitlab of the static website we need to deploy, then we will create the Website resource, our controller will monitor and detect the presence of the Website resource. newly created, it will create a resource Deployment to deploy the Pod that runs the static website, then it will create a service that exposes website traffic to the client.

We create a controller website-controller.yaml with the following configuration:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: website-controller
  replicas: 1
      app: website-controller
      name: website-controller
        app: website-controller
      serviceAccountName: website-controller
        - name: main
          image: luksa/website-controller
        - name: proxy
          image: luksa/kubectl-proxy:1.6.2
$ kubectl create serviceaccount website-controller
serviceaccount/website-controller created

$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding website-controller --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:website-controller created

$ kubectl apply -f website-controller.yaml
deployment.apps/website-controller created

The operation of the website-controller container is similar to the configmap watch controller we wrote above.

If you want to see the code, look at this github repo . Now we will create the Website resource again to see it in action:

$ kubectl apply -f website.yaml created

$ kubectl get website
kubia   15s

$ kubectl get deploy,svc,po
deploy/kubia-website       1        1        1           1          4s
deploy/website-controller  1        1        1           1          5m

NAME               CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)       AGE
svc/kubernetes     <none>       443/TCP       38d
svc/kubia-website  <nodes>      80:32589/TCP  4s

NAME                                    READY  STATUS   RESTARTS  AGE
po/kubia-website-1029415133-rs715       2/2    Running  0         4s
po/website-controller-1571685839-qzmg6  2/2    Running  1         5m

Ok, so our custom resource and controller are working correctly. Instead of having to create Deployment and Service separately, we just need to define a CRD. Although doing this at first is difficult, later on, our work will be much easier

Last updated