IP Addresses in AWS

ā€¢ IPv4 ā€“ Internet Protocol version 4 (4.3 Billion Addresses)

  • Public IPv4 ā€“ can be used on the Internet

  • EC2 instance gets a new a public IP address every time you stop then start it (default)

  • Private IPv4 ā€“ can be used on private networks (LAN) such as internal AWS networking (e.g.,

  • Private IPv4 is fixed for EC2 Instances even if you start/stop them ā€¢ Elastic IP ā€“ allows you to attach a fixed public IPv4 address to EC2 instance

    ā€¢ Note: has ongoing cost if not attached to EC2 instance or if the EC2 instance is stopped

    ā€¢ IPv6 ā€“ Internet Protocol version 6 (3.4 Ɨ 10!" Addresses)

  • Every IP address is public (no private range)

  • Example:2001:db8:3333:4444:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff

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