Families of cross-platform GUI components and their production
In this example, buttons and checkboxes will act as products. They have two variants: macOS and Windows.
The abstract factory defines an interface for creating buttons and checkboxes. There are two concrete factories, which return both products in a single variant.
Client code works with factories and products using abstract interfaces. It makes the same client code working with many product variants, depending on the type of factory object.
buttons: First product hierarchy
package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons;
* Abstract Factory assumes that you have several families of products,
* structured into separate class hierarchies (Button/Checkbox). All products of
* the same family have the common interface.
* This is the common interface for buttons family.
public interface Button {
void paint();
package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons;
* All products families have the same varieties (MacOS/Windows).
* This is a MacOS variant of a button.
public class MacOSButton implements Button {
public void paint() {
System.out.println("You have created MacOSButton.");
package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons;
* All products families have the same varieties (MacOS/Windows).
* This is another variant of a button.
public class WindowsButton implements Button {
public void paint() {
System.out.println("You have created WindowsButton.");
checkboxes: Second product hierarchy
package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes;
* Checkboxes is the second product family. It has the same variants as buttons.
public interface Checkbox {
void paint();
package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes;
* All products families have the same varieties (MacOS/Windows).
* This is a variant of a checkbox.
public class MacOSCheckbox implements Checkbox {
public void paint() {
System.out.println("You have created MacOSCheckbox.");
package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes;
* All products families have the same varieties (MacOS/Windows).
* This is another variant of a checkbox.
public class WindowsCheckbox implements Checkbox {
public void paint() {
System.out.println("You have created WindowsCheckbox.");
factories/GUIFactory.java: Abstract factory
package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.Button;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.Checkbox;
* Abstract factory knows about all (abstract) product types.
public interface GUIFactory {
Button createButton();
Checkbox createCheckbox();
package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.Button;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.MacOSButton;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.Checkbox;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.MacOSCheckbox;
* Each concrete factory extends basic factory and responsible for creating
* products of a single variety.
public class MacOSFactory implements GUIFactory {
public Button createButton() {
return new MacOSButton();
public Checkbox createCheckbox() {
return new MacOSCheckbox();
package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.Button;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.WindowsButton;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.Checkbox;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.WindowsCheckbox;
* Each concrete factory extends basic factory and responsible for creating
* products of a single variety.
public class WindowsFactory implements GUIFactory {
public Button createButton() {
return new WindowsButton();
public Checkbox createCheckbox() {
return new WindowsCheckbox();
app/Application.java: Client code
package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.app;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.Button;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.Checkbox;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories.GUIFactory;
* Factory users don't care which concrete factory they use since they work with
* factories and products through abstract interfaces.
public class Application {
private Button button;
private Checkbox checkbox;
public Application(GUIFactory factory) {
button = factory.createButton();
checkbox = factory.createCheckbox();
public void paint() {
Demo.java: App configuration
package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.app.Application;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories.GUIFactory;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories.MacOSFactory;
import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories.WindowsFactory;
* Demo class. Everything comes together here.
public class Demo {
* Application picks the factory type and creates it in run time (usually at
* initialization stage), depending on the configuration or environment
* variables.
private static Application configureApplication() {
Application app;
GUIFactory factory;
String osName = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase();
if (osName.contains("mac")) {
factory = new MacOSFactory();
} else {
factory = new WindowsFactory();
app = new Application(factory);
return app;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Application app = configureApplication();
OutputDemo.txt: Execution result
You create WindowsButton.
You created WindowsCheckbox.