Luhn Algorithm
Credit card validation is an important part of e-commerce and online transactions. In order to prevent fraud and ensure that transactions are secure, it's essential to verify that the credit card number entered by the user is valid. In this article, we'll explore how to validate credit card numbers using the Luhn algorithm in C.
What is the Luhn Algorithm?
The Luhn algorithm, also known as the "modulus 10" algorithm, is a simple checksum formula used to validate a variety of identification numbers, including credit card numbers. The algorithm works by summing up the digits of the number, starting from the rightmost digit and moving left. If the sum is divisible by 10, then the number is considered valid.
How does it work ?
Multiply every other digit by 2, starting with the number’s second-to-last digit, and then add those products’ digits together.
Add the sum to the sum of the digits that weren’t multiplied by 2.
If the total’s last digit is 0 (or, put more formally, if the total modulo 10 is congruent to 0), the number is valid!
An example;
The Code Let's take a look at the code for validating credit card numbers using the Luhn algorithm in C:
The actual code:
The code starts by asking the user to enter a credit card number. It then uses a do-while loop to ensure that the user enters a positive number.
Next, the code extracts the first few digits of the credit card number to determine the type of card. For example, American Express cards typically start with the digits 34 or 37, so the code divides the credit card number by 10^13 and stores the result in the amex variable. Similarly, Mastercard cards typically start with the digits 51, 52, 53, 54, or 55, so the code divides the credit card number by 10^14 and stores the result in the master variable. Visa cards can start with the digit 4, so the code divides the credit card number by 10^12 and 10^15 and stores the results in the visa array.
The code then applies the Luhn algorithm to the credit card number to calculate a checksum. The algorithm works by iterating over the digits of the number, starting from the rightmost digit and moving left. If the current digit is even, the code doubles it and subtracts 9 if the result is greater than 9. The code then adds the current digit (or the doubled digit) to a running sum.
Finally, the code checks if the checksum is valid by checking if the sum is divisible by 10. If the checksum is valid, the code checks the first few digits of the credit card number to determine the type of card. If the card is a valid American Express, Mastercard, or Visa card, the code prints the name of the card. Otherwise, the code prints "INVALID".
Conclusion: In this article, we've explored how to validate credit card numbers using the Luhn algorithm in C. We've seen how the algorithm works, and how to implement it in code using loops, conditionals, and arrays. We've also discussed how to extract the first few digits of a credit card number to determine the type of card. By following these steps, you can ensure that your e-commerce and online transactions are secure and free from fraud.
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