AWS Outposts

  • Hybrid Cloud: businesses that keep an on- premises infrastructure alongside a cloud infrastructure

  • Therefore, two ways of dealing with IT systems:

    • One for the AWS cloud (using the AWS console, CLI, and AWS APIs)

    • One for their on-premises infrastructure

  • AWS Outposts are “server racks” that offer the same AWS infrastructure, services, APIs & tools to build your own applications on-premises just as in the cloud

  • AWS will set and manage “Outposts Racks” within your on-premises infrastructure and you can start leveraging AWS services on-premises

  • You are responsible for the Outposts Rack physical security

  • Benefits:

    • Low-latency access to on-premises systems

    • Local data processing

    • Data residency

    • Easier migration from on-premises to the cloud

    • Fully managed service

• Some services that work on Outposts:

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