Step 1 - Understand the problem and establish design scope

The basic algorithm of a web crawler is simple:

  1. Given a set of URLs, download all the web pages addressed by the URLs.

  2. Extract URLs from these web pages

  3. Add new URLs to the list of URLs to be downloaded. Repeat these 3 steps.

Does a web crawler work truly as simple as this basic algorithm? Not exactly. Designing a vastly scalable web crawler is an extremely complex task. It is unlikely for anyone to design a massive web crawler within the interview duration. Before jumping into the design, we must ask questions to understand the requirements and establish the design scope:

Candidate: What is the main purpose of the crawler? Is it used for search engine indexing, data mining, or something else?

Interviewer: Search engine indexing.

Candidate: How many web pages does the web crawler collect per month?

Interviewer: 1 billion pages.

Candidate: What content types are included? HTML only or other content types such as PDFs and images as well?

Interviewer: HTML only.

Candidate: Shall we consider newly added or edited web pages?

Interviewer: Yes, we should consider the newly added or edited web pages.

Candidate: Do we need to store HTML pages crawled from the web?

Interviewer: Yes, up to 5 years

Candidate: How do we handle web pages with duplicate content?

Interviewer: Pages with duplicate content should be ignored.

Above are some of the sample questions that you can ask your interviewer. It is important to understand the requirements and clarify ambiguities. Even if you are asked to design a straightforward product like a web crawler, you and your interviewer might not have the same assumptions.

Besides functionalities to clarify with your interviewer, it is also important to note down the following characteristics of a good web crawler:

  • Scalability: The web is very large. There are billions of web pages out there. Web crawling should be extremely efficient using parallelization.

  • Robustness: The web is full of traps. Bad HTML, unresponsive servers, crashes, malicious links, etc. are all common. The crawler must handle all those edge cases.

  • Politeness: The crawler should not make too many requests to a website within a short time interval.

  • Extensibility: The system is flexible so minimal changes are needed to support new content types. For example, if we want to crawl image files in the future, we should not need to redesign the entire system.

Back of the envelope estimation

The following estimations are based on many assumptions, and it is important to communicate with the interviewer to be on the same page.

  • Assume 1 billion web pages are downloaded every month.

  • QPS: 1,000,000,000 / 30 days / 24 hours / 3600 seconds = ~400 pages per second.

  • PeakQPS=2*QPS=800

  • Assume the average web page size is 500k.

  • 1-billion-page x 500k = 500 TB storage per month. If you are unclear about digital storage units, go through “Power of 2” section in Chapter 2 again.

  • Assuming data are stored for five years, 500 TB * 12 months * 5 years = 30 PB. A 30 PB storage is needed to store five-year content.

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