
It is generally used when we want to prevent duplicate elements from being placed in the collection. The performance of the HashSet is much better in comparison to the list.

  • The HashSet class implements the ICollection, IEnumerable, IReadOnlyCollection, ISet, IEnumerable, IDeserializationCallback, and ISerializable interfaces.

  • In HashSet, the order of the element is not defined. You cannot sort the elements of HashSet.

  • In HashSet, the elements must be unique.

  • In HashSet, duplicate elements are not allowed.

  • It provides many mathematical set operations, such as intersection, union, and difference.

  • The capacity of a HashSet is the number of elements it can hold.

  • A HashSet is a dynamic collection means the size of the HashSet is automatically increased when the new elements are added.

  • In HashSet, you can only store the same type of elements.

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