Usage examples: The Strategy pattern is very common in Java code. It’s often used in various frameworks to provide users a way to change the behavior of a class without extending it.
Java 8 brought the support of lambda functions, which can serve as simpler alternatives to the Strategy pattern.
Here some examples of Strategy in core Java libraries:
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet: service() method, plus all of the doXXX() methods that accept HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects as arguments.
Identification: Strategy pattern can be recognized by a method that lets a nested object do the actual work, as well as a setter that allows replacing that object with a different one.
Payment method in an e-commerce app
In this example, the Strategy pattern is used to implement the various payment methods in an e-commerce application. After selecting a product to purchase, a customer picks a payment method: either Paypal or credit card.
Concrete strategies not only perform the actual payment but also alter the behavior of the checkout form, providing appropriate fields to record payment details.
strategies/ Common interface of payment methods
packagerefactoring_guru.strategy.example.strategies;/** * Common interface for all strategies. */publicinterfacePayStrategy {booleanpay(int paymentAmount);voidcollectPaymentDetails();}
packagerefactoring_guru.strategy.example.order;importrefactoring_guru.strategy.example.strategies.PayStrategy;/** * Order class. Doesn't know the concrete payment method (strategy) user has * picked. It uses common strategy interface to delegate collecting payment data * to strategy object. It can be used to save order to database. */publicclassOrder {privateint totalCost =0;privateboolean isClosed =false;publicvoidprocessOrder(PayStrategy strategy) {strategy.collectPaymentDetails();// Here we could collect and store payment data from the strategy. }publicvoidsetTotalCost(int cost) {this.totalCost+= cost; }publicintgetTotalCost() {return totalCost; }publicbooleanisClosed() {return isClosed; }publicvoidsetClosed() { isClosed =true; }} Client code
packagerefactoring_guru.strategy.example;importrefactoring_guru.strategy.example.order.Order;importrefactoring_guru.strategy.example.strategies.PayByCreditCard;importrefactoring_guru.strategy.example.strategies.PayByPayPal;importrefactoring_guru.strategy.example.strategies.PayStrategy;;;;importjava.util.HashMap;importjava.util.Map;/** * World first console e-commerce application. */publicclassDemo {privatestaticMap<Integer,Integer> priceOnProducts =newHashMap<>();privatestaticBufferedReader reader =newBufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;privatestaticOrder order =newOrder();privatestaticPayStrategy strategy;static {priceOnProducts.put(1,2200);priceOnProducts.put(2,1850);priceOnProducts.put(3,1100);priceOnProducts.put(4,890); }publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) throwsIOException {while (!order.isClosed()) {int cost;String continueChoice;do {System.out.print("Please, select a product:"+"\n"+"1 - Mother board"+"\n"+"2 - CPU"+"\n"+"3 - HDD"+"\n"+"4 - Memory"+"\n");int choice =Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine()); cost =priceOnProducts.get(choice);System.out.print("Count: ");int count =Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine());order.setTotalCost(cost * count);System.out.print("Do you wish to continue selecting products? Y/N: "); continueChoice =reader.readLine(); } while (continueChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"));if (strategy ==null) {System.out.println("Please, select a payment method:"+"\n"+"1 - PalPay"+"\n"+"2 - Credit Card");String paymentMethod =reader.readLine();// Client creates different strategies based on input from user,// application configuration, etc.if (paymentMethod.equals("1")) { strategy =newPayByPayPal(); } else { strategy =newPayByCreditCard(); } }// Order object delegates gathering payment data to strategy object,// since only strategies know what data they need to process a// payment.order.processOrder(strategy);System.out.print("Pay "+order.getTotalCost() +" units or Continue shopping? P/C: ");String proceed =reader.readLine();if (proceed.equalsIgnoreCase("P")) {// Finally, strategy handles the payment.if ( {System.out.println("Payment has been successful."); } else {System.out.println("FAIL! Please, check your data."); }order.setClosed(); } } }}
OutputDemo.txt: Execution result
Please, select a product:
1 - Mother board
2 - CPU
3 - HDD
4 - Memory
Count: 2
Do you wish to continue selecting products? Y/N: y
Please, select a product:
1 - Mother board
2 - CPU
3 - HDD
4 - Memory
Count: 1
Do you wish to continue selecting products? Y/N: n
Please, select a payment method:
1 - PalPay
2 - Credit Card
Enter the user's email:
Enter the password: qwerty
Wrong email or password!
Enter user email:
Enter password: amanda1985
Data verification has been successful.
Pay 6250 units or Continue shopping? P/C: p
Paying 6250 using PayPal.
Payment has been successful.