Question back to the interviewer

About the Role and Team

  1. Can you describe the team I'll be working with and the team’s dynamics?

  2. What are the immediate challenges that the team is currently facing?

  3. What are the expectations for this role in the first six months to a year?

  4. Can you provide some examples of projects that the team has recently completed?

  5. Who will be working closely with me?

About the Company and Culture

  1. How would you describe the company culture here?

  2. What are the company's plans for growth and expansion in the next few years?

  3. How does the company support professional development and career growth?

About the Technology and Projects

  1. What is the technology stack that the team primarily works with?

  2. Can you tell me more about the development process and the methodologies the team follows (e.g., Agile, Scrum, etc.)?

  3. What are some upcoming projects or initiatives that the team will be working on?

About Performance and Expectations

  1. How is success measured for this role and for the team as a whole?

  2. What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) for this position?

  3. How often are performance reviews conducted, and what does the review process entail?

About Challenges and Opportunities

  1. What are the biggest challenges someone in this role might face?

  2. Are there opportunities for cross-functional collaboration within the company?

  3. What opportunities are there for innovation and contributing new ideas within the team?

About Tools and Resources

  1. What tools and resources does the team use for development, collaboration, and project management?

  2. How does the company support remote work and work-life balance?

About the Interviewer’s Experience

  1. Can you share your experience working here and what you enjoy most about the company?

  2. What has been your career path within the company, and what opportunities for advancement have you seen?

Last updated