Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic applications typically consist of a client-side UI, a database, and a server-side application. Developers build all of these modules on a single code base.When building software according to monolith architecture (one block). All modules (view, business, database, report) are combined into one large project. When deploying, we will throw this block of code onto the server and configure it to run.

In software engineering, a monolithic pattern refers to an indivisible unit of software. The concept of monolithic software lies in the different components of an application being combined into a single program on a single platform. Typically, a monolithic application includes a database, a client-side user interface, and a server-side application. All parts of the software are consolidated and all software functions are managed in one place.


Simple development and deploymentThere are many tools that can be integrated into this architecture for development. In addition, all code snippets are kept in the same folder, making deployment easier. With a monolithic core set, programmers do not need to deploy changes or updates individually, as they can do it at once and save a lot of time.Better performanceIf built properly, monolithic applications are often more performant than microservices-based applications. An application with a microservice architecture may need to make 40 API calls to 40 different microservices to load each screen, which obviously leads to slower performance. In turn, monolithic applications enable faster communication between software components due to shared code and memory.


The codebase becomes bloated over timeOver time, most products grow incrementally, and their scope and structure become very difficult to control. The code starts looking really massive and becomes confusing and difficult to modify, especially for new programmers. Code quality is decreasing and the integrated development environment (IDE) is overloaded because it has to load too many files at the same time.Difficult to apply new technologyIf there is a need to add some new technology to the application, programmers may encounter barriers to adoption. Adding new technology means rewriting the entire application, which is expensive and time-consuming.Less flexibleIn monolithic applications, each small update requires a full redeployment. Therefore, all programmers have to wait until deployment is completed. When several teams work on the same project, overall development efficiency can be greatly reduced.

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