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Chain of Responsibility is a design pattern that belongs to the Behavioral Pattern group.
Purpose: allows an object to send a request without knowing which object will receive and process it. This is done by connecting request-receiving objects into a chain and sending requests along that chain until an object handles it.
The Chain of Responsibility Pattern operates like a linked list with recursive traversal.
Fix pairing between message sender and receiver; The objects receiving the message are connected into a chain and the message is passed along this chain until it reaches the object that handles it.
Separate the place where the request is sent from the place where the request is processed
Let multiple objects try to process requests sequentially. If one object cannot handle the request, the next object will handle it.
Imagine that you’re working on an online ordering system. You want to restrict access to the system so only authenticated users can create orders. Also, users who have administrative permissions must have full access to all orders.
After a bit of planning, you realized that these checks must be performed sequentially. The application can attempt to authenticate a user to the system whenever it receives a request that contains the user’s credentials. However, if those credentials aren’t correct and authentication fails, there’s no reason to proceed with any other checks.
During the next few months, you implemented several more of those sequential checks.
One of your colleagues suggested that it’s unsafe to pass raw data straight to the ordering system. So you added an extra validation step to sanitize the data in a request.
Later, somebody noticed that the system is vulnerable to brute force password cracking. To negate this, you promptly added a check that filters repeated failed requests coming from the same IP address.
Someone else suggested that you could speed up the system by returning cached results on repeated requests containing the same data. Hence, you added another check which lets the request pass through to the system only if there’s no suitable cached response.
The code of the checks, which had already looked like a mess, became more and more bloated as you added each new feature. Changing one check sometimes affected the others. Worst of all, when you tried to reuse the checks to protect other components of the system, you had to duplicate some of the code since those components required some of the checks, but not all of them.
The system became very hard to comprehend and expensive to maintain. You struggled with the code for a while, until one day you decided to refactor the whole thing.
Like many other behavioral design patterns, the Chain of Responsibility relies on transforming particular behaviors into stand-alone objects called handlers. In our case, each check should be extracted to its own class with a single method that performs the check. The request, along with its data, is passed to this method as an argument.
The pattern suggests that you link these handlers into a chain. Each linked handler has a field for storing a reference to the next handler in the chain. In addition to processing a request, handlers pass the request further along the chain. The request travels along the chain until all handlers have had a chance to process it.
Here’s the best part: a handler can decide not to pass the request further down the chain and effectively stop any further processing.
In our example with ordering systems, a handler performs the processing and then decides whether to pass the request further down the chain. Assuming the request contains the right data, all the handlers can execute their primary behavior, whether it’s authentication checks or caching.
However, there’s a slightly different approach (and it’s a bit more canonical) in which, upon receiving a request, a handler decides whether it can process it. If it can, it doesn’t pass the request any further. So it’s either only one handler that processes the request or none at all. This approach is very common when dealing with events in stacks of elements within a graphical user interface.
For instance, when a user clicks a button, the event propagates through the chain of GUI elements that starts with the button, goes along its containers (like forms or panels), and ends up with the main application window. The event is processed by the first element in the chain that’s capable of handling it. This example is also noteworthy because it shows that a chain can always be extracted from an object tree.
It’s crucial that all handler classes implement the same interface. Each concrete handler should only care about the following one having the execute
method. This way you can compose chains at runtime, using various handlers without coupling your code to their concrete classes.
You’ve just bought and installed a new piece of hardware on your computer. Since you’re a geek, the computer has several operating systems installed. You try to boot all of them to see whether the hardware is supported. Windows detects and enables the hardware automatically. However, your beloved Linux refuses to work with the new hardware. With a small flicker of hope, you decide to call the tech-support phone number written on the box.
The first thing you hear is the robotic voice of the autoresponder. It suggests nine popular solutions to various problems, none of which are relevant to your case. After a while, the robot connects you to a live operator.
Alas, the operator isn’t able to suggest anything specific either. He keeps quoting lengthy excerpts from the manual, refusing to listen to your comments. After hearing the phrase “have you tried turning the computer off and on again?” for the 10th time, you demand to be connected to a proper engineer.
Eventually, the operator passes your call to one of the engineers, who had probably longed for a live human chat for hours as he sat in his lonely server room in the dark basement of some office building. The engineer tells you where to download proper drivers for your new hardware and how to install them on Linux. Finally, the solution! You end the call, bursting with joy.
Components in the model:
Client : creates requests and those requests will be sent to receiving objects.
ConcreteHandler : handle the request. Can access the successor object (belonging to the Handler class). If the ConcreateHandler object cannot handle the request, it sends the request to its successor.
Handler : defines an interface to handle requests. Assign a value to the successor object (optional).
BaseHandler : optional abstract class. Generic functions for Chain of Responsibility can be implemented here.
The client calls the Handler's handle function at the beginning of the Chain, passing in the request content / request parameters.
The first Handler determines whether the request can be processed or not. If it cannot be processed, the handler calls the next handler (if there is one).
Loose coupling: Instead of one request-processing object containing references to all other objects, it only needs one reference to the next object. Avoid direct connections between the sender and the receivers.
Increase flexibility: ensure Open/Closed Principle
Divide responsibilities between subjects: ensure Single Responsibility Principle
Ability to change chains during runtime.
Some requests may not be processed: In case all Handlers are not processed
Below we can list some cases where we should consider using the Chain of Responsibility pattern:
There is more than one object capable of handling a request, while which specific object handles the request depends on the context of use.
Want to send a request to one of several objects, but don't specify which specific object should handle the request.
When it is necessary to execute handlers in a certain order..
When a set of processing objects can change dynamically: the set of objects capable of processing requests may not be known in advance, and the order can be added or removed later.
Use the Chain of Responsibility pattern when your program is expected to process different kinds of requests in various ways, but the exact types of requests and their sequences are unknown beforehand.
The pattern lets you link several handlers into one chain and, upon receiving a request, “ask” each handler whether it can process it. This way all handlers get a chance to process the request.
Use the pattern when it’s essential to execute several handlers in a particular order.
Since you can link the handlers in the chain in any order, all requests will get through the chain exactly as you planned.
Use the CoR pattern when the set of handlers and their order are supposed to change at runtime.
If you provide setters for a reference field inside the handler classes, you’ll be able to insert, remove or reorder handlers dynamically.
Declare the handler interface and describe the signature of a method for handling requests.
Decide how the client will pass the request data into the method. The most flexible way is to convert the request into an object and pass it to the handling method as an argument.
To eliminate duplicate boilerplate code in concrete handlers, it might be worth creating an abstract base handler class, derived from the handler interface.
This class should have a field for storing a reference to the next handler in the chain. Consider making the class immutable. However, if you plan to modify chains at runtime, you need to define a setter for altering the value of the reference field.
You can also implement the convenient default behavior for the handling method, which is to forward the request to the next object unless there’s none left. Concrete handlers will be able to use this behavior by calling the parent method.
One by one create concrete handler subclasses and implement their handling methods. Each handler should make two decisions when receiving a request:
Whether it’ll process the request.
Whether it’ll pass the request along the chain.
The client may either assemble chains on its own or receive pre-built chains from other objects. In the latter case, you must implement some factory classes to build chains according to the configuration or environment settings.
The client may trigger any handler in the chain, not just the first one. The request will be passed along the chain until some handler refuses to pass it further or until it reaches the end of the chain.
Due to the dynamic nature of the chain, the client should be ready to handle the following scenarios:
The chain may consist of a single link.
Some requests may not reach the end of the chain.
Others may reach the end of the chain unhandled.
Chain of Responsibility passes a request sequentially along a dynamic chain of potential receivers until one of them handles it.
Command establishes unidirectional connections between senders and receivers.
Mediator eliminates direct connections between senders and receivers, forcing them to communicate indirectly via a mediator object.
Observer lets receivers dynamically subscribe to and unsubscribe from receiving requests.
However, there’s another approach, where the request itself is a Command object. In this case, you can execute the same operation in a series of different contexts linked into a chain.
The CoR handlers can execute arbitrary operations independently of each other. They can also stop passing the request further at any point. On the other hand, various Decorators can extend the object’s behavior while keeping it consistent with the base interface. In addition, decorators aren’t allowed to break the flow of the request.
, , and address various ways of connecting senders and receivers of requests:
is often used in conjunction with . In this case, when a leaf component gets a request, it may pass it through the chain of all of the parent components down to the root of the object tree.
Handlers in can be implemented as . In this case, you can execute a lot of different operations over the same context object, represented by a request.
and have very similar class structures. Both patterns rely on recursive composition to pass the execution through a series of objects. However, there are several crucial differences.
Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request. Chain the receiving objects and pass the request along the chain until handle it