React Lifecycle Hooks

Versions of React before 16.8 consider two kinds of components based on statefulness: the class-based stateful component, and the stateless functional components (often referred to as a “dumb component”). But with the release of React 16.8, Hooks were introduced and empowered developers to access state from functional components, instead of writing an entire class. With this change, building components became easier and less verbose.

Hooks known as default hooks come with React, and you’re also able to create your own custom hook. A custom hook is just a function that starts with use, like useStore, or useWhatever.

The two most common default hooks are useState and useEffect. The useState hook gives state to the functional component, and useEffect allows you to add side effects within it (like after initial render), which aren’t allowed within the function's main body. You can also act upon updates on the state with useEffect.

React has released more default hooks, but useState and useEffect are the ones you should be most familiar with. Let’s take a look at how they work and compare them to the component lifecycle we covered above.


The useState hook is used to store state for a functional component. This hook accepts one parameter: initialState, which will be set as the initial stateful value, and returns two values: the stateful value, and the update function to update the stateful value. The update function accepts one argument, newState, which replaces the existing stateful value.

Let's say you have this class-based component:

class MyInput extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { input: "" };

    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);

  handleChange(e) {
    this.setState({ input: });

  render() {
    return (

Converting this to a functional component with useState eliminates a lot of code and makes things cleaner and shorter. Here's what the above component looks like with the useState hook. If you’ve read a React tutorial over the past 2 years, chances are you’ve seen some syntax like this.

import { useState } from 'react';

function MyInput(props) {
	const [input, setInput] = useState('');

	return (
			onChange={e => setInput(}

With useState(), whatever you put in the parenthesis is the default state.

The simplicity and clarity of these functional components with Hooks popularized their use among developers who prefer using functional components rather than traditional, class-based ones.

But what if your class-based component’s state object has plenty of items like this:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    // this component has multiple items in the state object
    this.state = {
      count: 0,
      counterWeight: 1,
      themeMode: "light"

    // ...

  // ...

  render() {
    return (
      <div class={this.state.themeMode}>

You might be tempted at first to use one useState hook, and build some sort of dictionary to hold all of this state. But React allows you to have multiple useState hooks within a functional component. So instead of one single object, you can set each item of the state object into its own state:

function MyComponent(props) {
	const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
	const [counterWeight, setCounterWeight] = useState(1);
	const [themeMode, setThemeMode] = useState('light');

	// the rest of the code...

	return (

With a lot of different “types” of state this can obviously get verbose, so exercise judgment for larger components.


As with the render() method of a class-based component, the main body of a functional component should be kept pure. With the useEffect hook, you're able to create side effects while maintaining the component's purity. Within this hook, you can send network requests, make subscriptions, and change the state value.

The useEffect hook accepts a function as an argument, where you write all your side effects. This function is invoked after every browser paint and before any new renders (this will depend on the dependency array, which is explained in the next paragraph). This function can return another function called the clean-up function, which can be used to clean up the side effects (i.e. when the component is destroyed) like unsubscribing to a store. It’s kind of a mash up of several of the methods explained in the previous section.

This Hook accepts a second argument called the dependency array, which is an array of dependencies like state or props values, which the useEffect uses as reference to only run when these values change. If the dependency array is empty, then the useEffect will only run once, after the first paint.

The dependency array is optional, so if it's not defined, useEffect will fire first when the component is first mounted, and then on every re-render.

Here's an example of a functional component using useEffect that subscribes to a Redux store:

import { useEffect } from 'react';

function MyComponent(props) {
	// ...

	useEffect(() => {
		const { subscribe } =;
		const unsubscribe = subscribe(...);
		return unsubscribe
	}, []);


This component's useEffect will only run once, since the dependency array is empty. Within the input function, the subscription to the Redux store is invoked, which returns an unsubscribe function. This unsubscribe function is returned, which serves as the clean-up function.

You might have noticed that the useEffect from the above component has similarities to componentDidMount. It holds the side effects, and only runs once, when the component is mounted. The only difference is that it's invoked after the first browser paint, whereas componentDidMount doesn’t wait for that. It’s also important to note that the clean-up function can be compared to the componentWillUnmount, as this function is invoked when the component was destroyed. So again, useEffect() is a sort of hybrid in this sense.

The useEffect hook works similarly to the three lifecycle methods: componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount. The componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount were discussed above, but what about componentDidUpdate?

If you add dependencies in the dependency array, the function passed into the useEffect hook will run every time the dependencies, like a piece of stateful data, changes. This behavior of the useEffect hook is comparable to the componentDidUpdate method since it’s invoked on every state/props change. The difference is that you can specifically choose what state/props you want useEffect to depend on, rather than the componentDidUpdate which acts upon every state or props change.

Last updated