Exceeding the rate limit

In case a request is rate limited, APIs return a HTTP response code 429 (too many requests) to the client. Depending on the use cases, we may enqueue the rate-limited requests to be processed later. For example, if some orders are rate limited due to system overload, we may keep those orders to be processed later.

Rate limiter headers

How does a client know whether it is being throttled? And how does a client know the number of allowed remaining requests before being throttled? The answer lies in HTTP response headers. The rate limiter returns the following HTTP headers to clients:

X-Ratelimit-Remaining: The remaining number of allowed requests within the window.

X-Ratelimit-Limit: It indicates how many calls the client can make per time window.

X-Ratelimit-Retry-After: The number of seconds to wait until you can make a request again without being throttled.

When a user has sent too many requests, a 429 too many requests error and X-Ratelimit-Retry-After header are returned to the client.

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