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• An ML-powered service for automated code reviews and application performance recommendations
• Provides two functionalities
CodeGuru Reviewer: automated code reviews for static code analysis (development)
CodeGuru Profiler: visibility/recommendations about application performance during runtime (production)
Identify critical issues, security vulnerabilities, and hard-to-find bugs
Example: common coding best practices, resource leaks, security detection, input validation
Uses Machine Learning and automated reasoning
Hard-learned lessons across millions of code reviews on 1000s of open-source and Amazon repositories
Supports Java and Python
Integrates with GitHub, Bitbucket, and AWS CodeCommit
Helps understand the runtime behavior of your application
Example: identify if your application is consuming excessive CPU capacity on a logging routine
Identify and remove code inefficiencies
Improve application performance(e.g., reduce CPU utilization)
Decrease compute costs
Provides heap summary (identify which objects using up memory)
Anomaly Detection
Support applications running on AWS or on-premise
Minimal overhead on application