Prototypal Inheritance vs Class Inheritance

Prototypal Inheritance:

In JavaScript, objects inherit from other objects directly. Each object has an internal property called [[Prototype]] (often referred to as the "prototype"), which references another object. When you access a property or method on an object, if it doesn't exist on the object itself, JavaScript looks for it in the object's prototype, and if not found there, it looks in the prototype's prototype, and so on, until it reaches the end of the prototype chain.

Prototypal inheritance in JavaScript is more flexible than class-based inheritance found in other languages because it allows objects to inherit from multiple prototypes.

Here's a simple example of prototypal inheritance in JavaScript:// Parent object

var parent = {
    name: "Parent",
    greet: function() {
        return "Hello, I'm " +;

// Child object inheriting from parent
var child = Object.create(parent); = "Child";

console.log(child.greet()); // Output: "Hello, I'm Child"

In this example, child inherits the greet method from parent.

Class Inheritance:

Class inheritance, on the other hand, is a concept from class-based languages like Java or C#. It involves creating a blueprint (class) from which objects (instances) are created. In class-based inheritance, classes are organized in a hierarchy, and subclasses inherit properties and methods from their superclasses. This is typically achieved using the class keyword in JavaScript (introduced in ES6).

Here's an example of class inheritance in JavaScript:

// Parent class
class Parent {
    constructor(name) { = name;

    greet() {
        return `Hello, I'm ${}`;

// Child class inheriting from Parent
class Child extends Parent {
    constructor(name, toy) {
        this.toy = toy;

    play() {
        return `Playing with ${this.toy}`;

const child = new Child("Child", "LEGO");
console.log(child.greet()); // Output: "Hello, I'm Child"
console.log(; // Output: "Playing with LEGO"

In this example, Child extends Parent using the extends keyword, and super is used to call the constructor of the superclass.


  1. Syntax: Prototypal inheritance in JavaScript is based on objects and prototypes, while class inheritance uses the class syntax introduced in ES6.

  2. Multiple Inheritance: Prototypal inheritance supports multiple inheritance by allowing objects to inherit from multiple prototypes, while class inheritance typically supports single inheritance (except for languages like C++).

  3. Instantiation: In class inheritance, objects are instantiated from classes using the new keyword, while in prototypal inheritance, objects are created using Object.create() or object literals.

Both paradigms have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the project and personal preference. JavaScript's flexible nature allows developers to choose the inheritance mechanism that best fits their needs.


Certainly! Here's a concise comparison between prototypal inheritance and class inheritance:

Prototypal Inheritance:

  • Concept: Objects inherit directly from other objects. Each object has a prototype chain.

  • Implementation: Objects inherit properties and methods from their prototype through delegation.

  • Syntax: Objects are created using object literals or Object.create() method. No explicit syntax for classes.

  • Flexibility: Objects can inherit from multiple prototypes.

  • Dynamic: Changes to the prototype are reflected immediately in all objects that inherit from it.

  • Example: JavaScript uses prototypal inheritance, where objects inherit directly from other objects.

Class Inheritance:

  • Concept: Classes are blueprints for creating objects. Subclasses inherit from superclasses.

  • Implementation: Classes define a blueprint for objects, and objects are created using the new keyword.

  • Syntax: Classes are defined using the class keyword in languages like Java, C#, and ECMAScript 6 (ES6).

  • Single Inheritance: Subclasses can inherit from only one superclass (except for languages like C++ that support multiple inheritance).

  • Static: Changes to superclass do not affect existing instances.

  • Example: Languages like Java and C# use class-based inheritance, where objects are instances of classes.


  • Prototypal Inheritance: Direct inheritance from objects, dynamic, supports multiple inheritance, and is used in languages like JavaScript.

  • Class Inheritance: Blueprint-based inheritance, static, single inheritance, and used in languages like Java, C#, etc.

While both paradigms achieve similar goals of code reuse and hierarchy, they differ in their underlying mechanisms and syntax, offering different levels of flexibility and behavior.

Last updated