div.classname vs div .classname

  1. div.classname:

    • This selector targets <div> elements that have the class classname.

    • Example:

      <div class="classname">This div will be styled</div>
      <div class="another-class">This div will not be styled</div>
      div.classname {
        color: red;

      Only the first <div> will have its text color set to red because it has the class classname.

  2. div .classname:

    • This selector targets any element with the class classname that is a descendant of a <div> element.

    • Example:

        <span class="classname">This span will be styled</span>
        <span class="classname">This span will not be styled</span>
      div .classname {
        color: blue;

      Only the first <span> will have its text color set to blue because it is inside a <div> element.

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