

• Docker is a software development platform for deploying apps

• Apps are packaged in containers that can be run on any OS

• Apps run the same, regardless of where they’re run

  • Any machine

  • No compatibility issues

  • Predictable behavior

  • Less work

  • Easier to maintain and deploy

  • Works with any language, any OS, any technology

• Scale containers up and down very quickly (seconds)

Where Docker images are stored?

• Docker images are stored in Docker Repositories

• Public: Docker Hub

  • Find base images for many technologies or OS:

  • Ubuntu

  • MySQL

  • NodeJS, Java...

• Private: Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry)

Docker versus Virtual Machines

• Docker is ” sort of ” a virtualization technology, but not exactly

• Resources are shared with the host => many containers on one server

Last updated