SSH in EC2

SSH Summary Table

Which Lectures to watch

• Mac / Linux:

  • SSH on Mac/Linux lecture

• Windows:

  • Putty Lecture

  • If Windows 10: SSH on Windows 10 lecture

• All:

  • EC2 Instance Connect lecture

SSH troubleshooting

  • Students have the most problems with SSH

  • If things don’t work...

    1. Re-watch the lecture.You may have missed something

    2. Read the troubleshooting guide

    3. Try EC2 Instance Connect

  • If one method works (SSH, Putty, or EC2 Instance Connect) you’re good

  • If no method works, that’s okay, the course won’t use SSH much

How to SSH into your EC2 Instance

Linux / Mac OS X

  • We’ll learn how to SSH into your EC2 instance using Linux / Mac

  • SSH is one of the most important function. It allows you to control a remote machine, all using the command line.

  • We will see how we can configure OpenSSH ~/.ssh/config to facilitate the SSH into our EC2 instances


  • We’ll learn how to SSH into your EC2 instance using Windows

  • SSH is one of the most important function. It allows you to control a remote machine, all using the command line.

  • We will configure all the required parameters necessary for doing SSH on Windows using the free tool Putty.

Last updated